3×3 life – FIBA 3×3 Questions: Everything you need to know!

This summer I had the pleasure of touring with and playing for the 3×3 Canadian Women’s National Team. Making its debut on the world stage as an Olympic sport only 4 years ago, 3×3 basketball is rapidly becoming one of the fastest growing international sports. As its popularity continues to skyrocket, more and more athletes are playing and learning about the game of 3×3 – including me! Competing for the first time as a 3×3 athlete this summer, it was a season full of learning, unlearning, and one wild rollercoster ride! Here’s everything you need to know about the fast paced, dynamic and exhilarating game of 3×3 basketball. 

  • What are the rules of 3×3?

Half court, 1 basket, 10 minute game or first team to 21, 12 second shot clock, 1s and 2s, and 4 players to a team (3 players on the court with 1 sub). The FIBA 3×3 basketball is a size 6 but the weight of a size 7, and the ball must be cleared outside 2 point line before you can score. There is no stoppage after scores, while dead balls are checked at the top. There is also no coach allowed on the court during games, forcing players to read & react, make quick decisions, and become problem solvers on the court without the help of any coaching staff. This is a short version of the basic rules – the official rulebook can be found on the FIBA 3×3 website!

  • How does the FIBA 3×3 season/schedule work?

The FIBA3x3 Women’s Series is a 6 month season (April-September) that is made up of different tournaments hosted all around the world. Squads are made up of federation teams and/or commercial teams, competing for prize money at each event. The most recent 2024 3×3 FIBA Women’s Series was the biggest and most successful campaign to date, consisting of 20 international tournaments and over 1.4M USD in prize money earned, breaking all previous recorded numbers. Depending on teams allocated budgets, squads may tour for anywhere between 5-15 stops during a season. This summer our squad competed in a total of 6 tournaments (Springfield USA, France x2, Canada x2, China Finals), on top of two Olympic Qualifying Tournaments (Japan and Hungary) and of course, the 2024 Paris Olympics

  • How is the game of 3×3 different?

Although being individually talented, skilled, and athletic will increase your teams odds of winning, what I learned this summer is that the best teams play the best out of action, not isolation. Rather than beating teams by going 1v1, the teams that are winning play to their teams strengths/advantages and are highly strategic. The strongest teams play in sync, have a high IQ, are elite decision makers, exploit mismatches, and are constantly moving with purpose. Because 3×3 is so fluid and constantly changing, team members must be adaptable, on and off the court. External factors play a massive role in 3×3. Intense travel schedules, dealing with jet leg, minimal recovery time (playing 3-6 games in 2 days) and crazy weather conditions (games are usually played outside – which usually means extreme heat during summer time), etc. The travel schedule can be rigorous and recovery becomes crucial. During the course of our 5 months this spring/summer, we travelled to 7 different countries, crossed 14 different time zones, took 34 different flights, and competed in 10 different events. 

  • What is the learning curve like coming from 5v5?

There is definitely a learning curve that takes place for 5v5 players transitioning to 3×3. Aside from the obvious that comes from having less people on the court – more space, more touches, and more freedom – there are some distinct differences from 5v5. Although it’s still basketball, 3×3 requires a completely different strategy and is played at an accelerated pace. The game is FAST, the game is PHYSICAL, and game is CONTINUOUS. The tempo is high and much more contact is allowed in 3×3, making the level of physicality significantly greater than 5v5. Because there is minimal stoppage time in 3×3, the level of intensity is higher than 5v5 basketball. When it comes to mental side of the game, there is also a process of “unlearning” for 5v5 players as well. Many concepts and strategies that are used in 5v5 not applicable in 3×3. For example, spacing the floor. In 3×3, you want to shrink or condense the floor, where as in 5v5 you want to space the floor and get to the corners. Another example is the concept of help side (a drilled concept that becomes second nature for every 5v5 player), but in 3×3, help side does not exist. 

  • What’s something most people wouldn’t expect about 3×3?

Not all 5v5 players make great 3v3 players. In 3×3, you have to play both sides of the court and if you can’t guard, you will get exposed pretty quickly. Individual accountability is significantly higher in 3×3, and every possession carries more weight. There is no where to hide on the 3×3 court and each player is involved in every possession, so your role increase significantly, along with your responsibilities on the court. Most people don’t realize the level of fitness and stamina required to compete in 3×3. It’s described as a “10 minute sprint” and that’s exactly what it feels like. Tiffany Hayes, WNBA SPOY and 3×3 Olympian, went as far as describing it as “10 minutes of hell”. There is no rest on the 3×3 court. Unlike 5v5, where you may get a chance to catch your breathe in help side or rest in the corner for a possession, in 3×3 you never stop moving. Because of the games fast pace and physicality, it requires all 3×3 players to be in top tier condition and have exceptional motor skills.

  • What makes a good 3×3 player?

Typically, the best 3×3 players are highly skilled, athletic, dynamic, and versatile. They have a high work rate, are great decision makers, have the ability to guard big or small, can score inside and out, and are extremely active on both sides of the floor. Having a high motor and IQ will also give you a big advantage, along with being agile, crafty, and physical. Overall, versatility is key in 3×3. The more well rounded you are on both sides of the ball, the higher asset you will be in 3×3.

There you have it! A brief break down on the new sport that is taking the world by storm. Hopefully this answered some of your questions and gave you a better understanding of how the FIBA Women’s Series tour life works in the exciting, competitive, and entertaining game of 3×3 basketball!

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