Want to Become a Pro One Day? Read This!

If you have aspirations of becoming a pro one day, you’re in the right place. Heading into my 10th season as a professional basketball player, I’ve been lucky enough to have played a decade overseas as well as be a member of Team Canada over the years. The game has blessed me with so much, but has also required just as much to get here. Whether you are a junior in middle school or a senior in college, here are 10 tips on how you can become a pro one day and make your dreams come true!
Bet on yourself
Self belief is #1. If you don’t believe in yourself, then why would others? You have to believe in yourself and be your own biggest cheerleader.
Outwork everyone
If you want to be a pro one day, you have to train like a pro. Be the hardest worker and do more than what is required of you. Shooting 500 shots after practice doesn’t guarantee you will make more shots in games, but it does significantly increase your chances. Train with intention and don’t allow yourself to be out worked.
Be mentally strong
Mental toughness is key. Ride the ups and downs and remain steady. If you want to be a pro, you have to have the perseverance and determination to not let setbacks define you. The best players have failed over and over again, yet they never give up and keep trying.
Be a sponge
Have the WILLINGNESS TO LEARN! Be coachable and learn from everywhere you go, not just from coaches but from your teammates too (everyone can teach you something!). Adapt a life long learner mentality – you are never too old or too good to stop learning. Become a student of the game and watch film, watch pro games, read books, and ask questions!
Be consistent
Talent might get you to the pro level, but consistency will keep you there. Being a pro means being a consistent basketball player, but also being consistent off the court as well – having a good attitude, being a good teammate, getting extra work in, putting the right fuel in your body, getting proper recovery, etc.
Be disciplined
One thing almost all pros have in common is they are self motivated. They get their work in and get better every day without someone dragging them into the gym against their own will. If you have dreams of playing at the next level one day, you must be disciplined in the details. You can’t cheat the game!
Find your pocket
Not everyone on team is meant to be a star. There are many other ways to make an impact on a team besides scoring the ball. Understand your strengths and what you can bring to a team that others cant. What makes your game unique or special? Knowing your place on team will give you clarity, assurance, and even extend your career.
Do the little things
Do things that don’t show up on the stat sheet. Dive on loose balls, be a great teammate, lead by example, cheer your teammates on/give high fives, win every practice drill, get extra shots up before practice. Coaches take notice of these things, even on the pro level. These are all habits of that cultivate greatness, and will definitely help out your chances of making it as a pro.
Be adaptable
Another thing that will help your chances of becoming a pro is being adaptable. You may have different roles on different teams, so being able to be versatile and do whatever that team may require from you will help your chances tremendously. Being able to guard or play multiple positions will give you more opportunities at the pro level.
Have fun!
Enjoy the ride, and love the journey! If you don’t love the game then what are you doing it for? Most pros don’t make it as far as they do without a love and passion for the game. Enjoy the process and find joy in your basketball journey.
Being a pro is not for everyone. Talent alone might get you there, but it takes so much more to keep you there. Consistency, discipline, mental toughness, self belief, high character, and a strong work ethic are all important characteristics that will help you live out your dreams and become a professional basketball player one day!